Monday, June 16, 2014

Father's Day, June 15th, 2014

My parents hosted a breakfast for Samee and Nate at the Marriott on Sunday, Father's Day.  We ate breakfast and watched them open their wedding gifts.  Then we drove back home to Wenatchee in the afternoon.

My whole life on one chair!!

I just think my Papa is the coolest..
I thought this was a nice picture of Papa with his kiddos...
The seven Kreider cousins with their Papa Berries...
Thomas with a sleeping Rylan at breakfast. 

I wish I would have gotten a picture of Nate on his first Father's Day.

I also didn't get a picture today with my dad.  He was floating around the breakfast room with the energy he always seems to have, schmoozing with all the guests that showed up for breakfast.

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