Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Sunnyslope Spirit Week

Last week was the kids' Sunnyslope Spirit Week and the kids got to wear something special each day.  Class pictures were on Tuesday so I did not let the kids wear their favorite team jerseys.  But they participated the rest of the week.  This week leads up to Sunnyslope Fun Night, the school's main fundraiser, with dinner, games, auctions, raffles--you know, the expensive for parents but fun for kids kind of stuff.

Monday (Crazy Socks Day):  Harper had to have some on too.
Wednesday (Crazy Hat Day):

Thursday (Superhero Day):  Ry in his Ninja cape and Presley as a doctor
Friday (Sunnyslope Spirit):

On Friday night we went to the Sunnyslope Fun Night and they each had their games bracelet so they could play whatever games they wanted.  Sadly, no one won a cake at the cake walk.  Presley and Logan ran around with their friends, and Ry and Harper spent most of their time in the Kendama Zone (he had a pro sign his kendama) or at the climbing wall.
On Monday, this picture from the Fun Night Photo Booth was in Presley's folder. ADORABLE!!

At the beginning of the night, I gave Logan, Presley, and Ry each 6 raffle tickets and Harper 2.  There are like 50 raffles so they had to choose which prizes to put their tickets in.  Logan and Presley tried to win the IPod mini and put all of theirs in that box.  Ry put all his tickets in to try to win the Kendama.  Harper just walked up there and placed her 2 measly tickets in 2 different boxes--I didn't even know which two boxes she had chosen.  She was our big winner for the evening when her ticket was drawn for Tinkerbell roller skates.  I was volunteering at the prize station in another room and the kids' classmates and parents were coming in to tell me that Harper's name had been drawn to win something, but I couldn't leave to find out what it was.  Finally, Dave came in with her and her package to let me know.  Ry had won enough tickets at different games to "buy" a guitar like Presley's from the Father/Daughter dance. Fun times!

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