Thursday, September 28, 2023

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 38 (2023)

 Day 260,  Sunday, September 17th

Impressing Ry with a magic trick

Day 261, Monday, September 18th

The first game of the season and she's working on that jump serve! 
They won 3-0.

Day 262, Tuesday, September 19th

Dave's #49 Birthday

Day 263, Wednesday, September 20th

Bus ride fun with friends!

Day 264, Thursday, September 21st

Ry made his homecoming sign and I snapped this picture as we were both leaving--him to the high school volleyball game and me to pick up Harper. 
He was only going to ask her if they won their game, but they lost so the sign sat in my dining room for a few days until her team played and won their next match. 

Day 265, Friday, September 22nd

Friday morning coffee with friends

Day 266, Saturday, September 23rd

Ry played in a basketball tournament in the Tri-Cities this weekend so he had lots of fans cheering him on !

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