Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 35 (2023)

 Day 239, Sunday, August 27th


Day 240, Monday, August 28th

School physicals today and Ry needed two vaccinations.
He officially measured at 6'2.

Day 241, Tuesday, August 29th

Harper's first day of EIGHTH grade. 

Day 242, Wednesday, August 30th

Rylan's first day of his JUNIOR year. 

Day 243, Thursday, August 31st

Logan played the second half of WVWC pre-season game, and we were able to watch online.  
They lost 0-1

Day 244, Friday, September 1st

How we all felt at the end of this week. 

Day 245, Saturday, September 2nd

Harper got invited to a hockey exhibition game with a classmate and his family. 
They're walking in together here. 

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