Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 22 (2023)

 Day 148, Sunday, May 28th

Harper went out boating and made several attempts to surf.  
She was not successful 

And Amy and Thomas and Mom and Dad went to the Northern Quest Casino for " Night in Nantucket" (a six course seafood feast. 

Day 149, Monday, May 29th

We drove to Waterville for lunch with Grandma and Papa this afternoon. 

Day 150, Tuesday, May 30th

Dinner time laughs

Day 151, Wednesday, May 31st

Amy posted this picture of Papa for his birthday and we were all pretty impressed with his flowy hair and that bicep!
When I showed Ry, he said he thought he was pretty close in bicep size.

Day 152, Thursday, June 1st

Night of the Notables for Foothills 7th graders tonight.
Harper was Princess Diana

I couldn't find pictures but I know that Logan was Steve Jobs, Presley was Anne Frank, and Ry's year was canceled because of Covid. 

Day 153, Friday, June 2nd

Presley pre-planned a flower delivery for today prior to her leaving for London. 
She wrote the most lovely letter to me. 

Day 154, Saturday, June 3rd

Ry had a 3 on 3 basketball tournament today in Quincy. 
I didn't want to cook when we finally made it home, so Ry went and picked up Chipotle. 
(Harper and I were on our way to Old Navy to look for matching tank tops for her and her beach volleyball teammate tomorrow).

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