Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 25 (2022)

Day 169, Saturday, June 18th

Marysville Strawberry Festival

Day 170, Sunday, June 19th

Father's Day with our one and only!

Day 171, Monday, June 20th

Ry's Drivers Training Teacher has COVID so he had zoom classes this week. 

Day 172, Tuesday, June 21st

Chewy in a pool in the pool

Day 173, Wednesday, June 22nd

Ry's been begging to drive Logan's jeep so I let him today and took a pic to text to Logan. 

Day 174, Thursday, June 23rd

Harper had volleyball camp this week. 

Day 175, Friday, June 24th

Presley had the opportunity to meet Govenor Inslee today while he was touring a Cashmere Mealworm Beta Hatch.

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Strawberry Festival and Father's Day

 We signed up to be the parent chaperones for the royalty parade at the Marysville Strawberry Festival. 

We knew the Queen would be out of town and it would be just the two princesses on the float. 

But then the other princess tested positive for Covid so it would just be Presley on the float (which was kind of fun and a little awkward to dance by yourself up there for a whole parade route).

Harper decided she wanted to come with me so it was just us three.  

Presley did fabulous and even won the Royalty Award!

The festival admin had a nice reception prior to the judging. 
I knew the names of  Cashmere Royalty and saw the parent chaperones and went to introduce myself.
I told them that we had a child at Cashmere High and they are teachers there and knew Rylan. 
The dad was one of his teachers this year and the mom knew him from checking out books in the library. They told me they tried to talk him into playing tennis this past spring (the dad is the coach). 

I wanted to get a picture of the Sequim royalty for Papa Nelson. 
His brother, Dan, has lived there for many years. 

Presley was definitely missing her float mates!

At the line up...Harper was a banner carrier this time. 

It was an evening parade and the dark clouds helped make it look even darker than it really was. 

We stayed the night in Marysville and got up early on Sunday to leave. 
I knew Dave had bought movie tickets for the 12:30 Top Gun showing, and that Grandma and Papa Nelson were meeting us to watch it for Father's Day.  

I loved Harper's card for Dave 

We all enjoyed it!
We went out for Blue Spoon afterwards and then spent the rest of the day relaxing at home!

All the Kreider's have seen Top Gun now....
Samee and Nate went on Saturday evening. 
And Ryan, Mylee, Papa, Grandma, Amy and Thomas went on Memorial Day. 

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 24 (2022)

 Day 162, Saturday, June 11th

Harper played this 4 square volleyball at her friend's house and had so much fun, we decided to buy one too. 

And Presley has been having so much fun making the senior party rounds to all of her friends parties

Day 163, Sunday, June 12th

Celebrating Presley's graduation this afternoon.

Day 164, Monday, June 13th

First official day of summer and Harper had a friend sleepover! 

Day 165, Tuesday, June 14th

Taking down balloons from Presley's party and Ry found just where to put them!

Day 166, Wednesday, June 15th

All 3 wearing hats today.

Day 167, Thursday, June 16th

Just touching that rim.

Day 168, Friday, June 17th

Ry had a 4 game scrimmage this weekend. 
He's playing Leavenworth here. They won this one but lost the others. 
Ry played up on varsity for this tournament. 

Presley's Graduation Party: 6-12-22

Dad's Day 2022

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 23 (2022)

 Day 155, Saturday, June 4th

Happy #48!

Day 156, Sunday, June 5th

Harper and Ry were invited to an ice skating birthday party. 

Day 157, Monday, June 6th

Evening reading, even in the last week of school.

Day 158, Tuesday, June 7th

Ry's FFA award ceremony tonight. 

Day 159, Wednesday, June 8th

It hasn't felt much like summer so this is one of Ry's first jumps into the pool this year. 

Day 160, Thursday, June 9th

It rained all morning while I was getting the windows professionally cleaned and then lots of sun in the afternoon.  Ry and Presley went for a short moped ride. 

Day 161, Friday, June 10th

Last Days of School for Ry and Harper
(Ry has driver's training at 7:15 and Harper wasn't awake yet, so I couldn't get a picture together)

And it was Dad's Day touring Cle Elum today!

Presley's Graduation: 6-3-22


Senior Scooter Parade and Senior Celebration: 6-3-22

 Presley and her friends started their day with the tradition of the scooter parade to the high school. 

Dave dropped her off at their starting point, then we drove her car to the high school, and then we drove my car to park along the route to wave them all on. 

Once they made it to the high school, they had their final walk through the school. led by the Golden Apple Band, before their rehearsal. 

With friends, on their way to the Apple Bowl for rehearsal. 

I had to speak at the rehearsal to tell the kids about what to expect at the celebration so I was able to spot Presley and knew where she'd be sitting later that night.

I didn't get a lot of pics of Presley at the celebration party but she shared a few.
I think the seniors had a really good time.