Saturday, May 28, 2022

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 21 (2022)

 Day 141, Saturday, May 21st

The Lilac Festival Torchlight Parade

Day 142, Sunday, May 22nd

And a special evening in Spokane watching Hamilton

Day 143, Monday, May 23rd

Presley with her senior golf banner at her home course, Three Lakes.
Some of the members of Prelsey's golf team made the state tournament so they had a dinner tonight. 

Day 144, Tuesday, May 24th
Shower time with Chewy

Day 145, Wednesday, May 25th

Dave found Logan on an Instagram story observing his plants. 

Day 146, Thursday, May 26th

Playing a little volleyball tonight. 

Day 147, Friday, May 27th

Ry's real permit arrived in the mail today. 
Looks much more official than his original paper copy. 

The Apple Blossom had a parade in New Westminster Canada on Saturday and they left today.  
Princess A's mom texted me this picture....they had a little time to do some touristy things. 

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