Friday, April 29, 2022

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 17 (2022)

 Day 113, Saturday, April 23rd

Ry played in a basketball tournament in Vancouver. 
They went 2-2 and he played pretty well. 

Day 114, Sunday, April 24th
Ry and I got home late from his tournament but just in time to say goodnight to these 3. 

Day 115, Monday, April 25th
We had such a great night at the Apple Blossom Kick Off party!
(that's the official Abby's Pizza royalty photo behind us)

Day 116, Tuesday, April 26th
Rylan playing vs. Okanogan today.  They won 7-0. 

Day 117, Wednesday, April 27th
Presley blocking my way in

Day 118, Thursday, April 28th
Texting with Ry and thankful for technology tonight.

Day 119, Friday, April 29th
Apple Blossom Royalty prepares and eats the first funnel cake at the food fair. 
The festival has officially began!  
These girls have worked so, so hard leading up to this!

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