Friday, April 29, 2022

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 16 (2022)

 Day 106, Saturday, April 16th

We enjoyed a beautiful weekend in Ocean Shores. 

Day 107, Sunday, April 17th

Not our typical Easter picture, but we were able to hunt for eggs this morning. 

Day 108, Monday, April 18th

Ry had a game today vs. Omak. 
They won. 

Day 109, Tuesday, April 19th

Ry still loves the hot tub!

Day 110, Wednesday, April 20th

The Apple Blossom souvenir issue was released today. 

Day 111, Thursday, April 21

This "Beatles" picture was in the Wenatchee World. 
Presley missed the exaggerated "walk" :)
They were delivering official Apple Blossom framed photos to businesses. 

Day 112, Friday, April 22nd

Presley came home and found Chewy like this. 
Poor little guy!
We pushed the coffee table further out so he won't get stuck again. 

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