Sunday, August 22, 2021

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 33 (2021)

 Day 225, Friday, August 13th

Ry's sweet text asking for some lunch from down in his room. 

Day 226, Saturday, August 14th

Dad and Logan toured both the Pittsburgh Pirates and the Pittsburgh Steelers stadiums today. 

Day 227, Sunday, August 15th

Logan was able to take Dave to his research room and greenhouse where he spent 8 weeks this summer. 

Day 228, Monday, August 16th

Hot tub and quarantine

Day 229, Tuesday, August 17th

A visit upstairs during quarantine. 

Day 230, Wednesday, August 18th

Harper and Ry talking with each other through the bedroom window.  

Day 231, Thursday, August 19th

Day 8 of COVID quarantine--a quick, outdoor, socially distanced yard game. 

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