Monday, August 9, 2021

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 31 (2021)

 Day 211, Friday, July 30th

No one got a picture of Logan coming off the plane, but Ry did text me when they were loaded up and headed home.  

Day 212, Saturday, July 31st

Celebrated these summer birthdays today

Day 213, Sunday, August 1st

Ry and Logan playing soccer tonight.
Logan's the Keep!

Day 214, Monday, August 2nd
Ortho appointment today

Day 215, Tuesday, August 3rd
Watching the Olympics and cuddling on the couch. 

Day 216, Wednesday, August 4th

A little note of appreciation for Presley's hard work, written by a co-worker.

Day 217, Thursday, August 5th

No longer a teen!

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