Monday, May 31, 2021

Rylan's Eighth Grade Football Season

 The middle school sports seasons were all adjusted to be played March thru May. 

There was no basketball season so Ry surprised us by announcing he had decided to try football. 

After the first week of practice Ry told me he didn't mind football, but didn't want to tackle or get tackled...ha ha. 

No team picture this year so a coach took this after a game. 
I dropped him off at practice one day on a Friday that they didn't have school.  
He told me to wait and he'd show me his practice uniform. 

He had two total games, one vs. Chelan and one vs. Cascade. 
They won both of them, and was never scored on. 
Ry was the kicker.  Thank God for soccer because he was pretty good. 

On the sidelines at his first game. 
We were a little surprised at the size of some of the boys. 

A super win, 46-0
And awesome for the kicker because he gets to kick off after all of those touchdowns :)

I picked him up from practice after the first game and he had been one of the boys selected as player of the game.   
These were hung up around the school. 

At the second game vs. Chelan
Logan was with us for this game. 

I wish I knew who the photographer is that took these nice photos and forwarded them on to another parent who happens to work in the hospital and knows Dave.  He knew that Dave's son was the kicker.  

Side story:  The high school football coach made a visit at the end of the school year and spoke with all of the 8th graders to encourage them to come out for high school football.  
He asked each of the players for their position. 
Rylan told him that he was the kicker, and the coach told him, "usually the kicker will play something else, like maybe wide receiver or tight end", and Ry responded, "just the kicker".  

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