Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 11 (2021)

 Day 71, Friday, March 12th

Presley and I spent the week-end celebrating Amy's 50th birthday in Portland. 
Our first adventure was IFly

Day 72, Saturday, March 13th

We took a brunch cruise down the Willamette River. 
It was a beautiful morning. 

Day 73, Sunday, March 14th

Ry's first soccer game in 18 months!
He actually had a double header today and we were able to make it back to watch the second game. 

Day 74, Monday, March 15th

We sent a care package to Logan. 
Ry's message:  I'm missing you.  My arm has grown weak because there's no punches but Actualize is helping me get stronger.  Have a good time in college!

Day 75, Tuesday, March 16th

Harper worked on a leprechaun trap this morning for fun. 

Day 76, Wednesday, March 17th

St. Patrick's Day 2021

Day 77, Thursday, March 18th

I snuck up on these two and said "Hey" while they were in the hot tub watching a show on Ry's phone. 

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