Wednesday, March 10, 2021

02-27-21: Ry's 14th Birthday


Harper has been on a water balloon kick and these were the only colors I could find. 

Ry asked for a succulent plant and I unknowingly bought him a fake one.  
'I didn't even realize it until it leaned to the side and the rocks came out in one glued together clump. 

Dad and Chewy giving loves. 
Logan called this morning too. 

We opened presents in the afternoon before we left for Grandma and Papa's. 

He asked for a bucket hat and spike ball. 

With mom and dad.

We drove to the Tri-Cities and Papa treated us to dinner at Casa Mia. 

I brought a cake and Samee, Nate, and Miryn joined us at Grandma and Papa's for cake and ice cream. 

(The Lindholm's were in Idaho for the day)

Cuddling with Miryn before they left. 

Headed to bed as an official 14 year old!

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