Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 12 (2021)

 Day 78, Friday, March 19th

Harper's report card comments. 

Day 79, Saturday, March 20th

Wenatchee High's spring production of Disney's Descendants was only available to watch online.  
Not quite the same as watching a live production, but Presley had several friends who had parts. 

Day 80, Sunday, March 21st

Logan got his first collegiate start today, and luckily, it was streamed online. 
Also a first for him--a red card on him in the final 6 minutes with a one game suspension!
He had some great saves too, but lost 0-1 on a penalty kick in the first half. 

Day 81, Monday, March 22nd
Waiting in live to get a Covid test today for Wednesdays hernia surgery. 

Day 82, Tuesday, March 23rd

Harper getting Chewy excited for his afternoon walk. 

Day 84, Wednesday, March 24th

Waiting for my surgery to start this morning at 6 AM. 

Day 85, Thursday, March 25th

Harper at her final (make-up) basketball session this evening. 

Amy's 50th Birthday Weekend

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 11 (2021)

 Day 71, Friday, March 12th

Presley and I spent the week-end celebrating Amy's 50th birthday in Portland. 
Our first adventure was IFly

Day 72, Saturday, March 13th

We took a brunch cruise down the Willamette River. 
It was a beautiful morning. 

Day 73, Sunday, March 14th

Ry's first soccer game in 18 months!
He actually had a double header today and we were able to make it back to watch the second game. 

Day 74, Monday, March 15th

We sent a care package to Logan. 
Ry's message:  I'm missing you.  My arm has grown weak because there's no punches but Actualize is helping me get stronger.  Have a good time in college!

Day 75, Tuesday, March 16th

Harper worked on a leprechaun trap this morning for fun. 

Day 76, Wednesday, March 17th

St. Patrick's Day 2021

Day 77, Thursday, March 18th

I snuck up on these two and said "Hey" while they were in the hot tub watching a show on Ry's phone. 

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 10 (2021)

 Day 64, Friday, March 5th

The "fall" sports season begun, but there are no fans allowed to watch in person. 
So Friday Night Lights happened in our family room, watching the high school football game on the TV.

Day 65, Saturday, March 6th

Ry had a tournament in Lewiston, ID this weekend. 
They won one and lost 3.  

While I was in Lewiston, these three went to see Raya and the Last Dragon at the movies (which just re-opened). 

Day 66, Sunday, March 7th
Ry taking the lost shot of the tournament today. 
They lost this one, he was fouled at the end, and he made this free throw. 

Day 67, Monday, March 8th

Mid-Term Grade Update from Logan

Day 68, Tuesday, March 9th

On our way to school this afternoon. 

Day 69, Wednesday, March 10th

Dave and Presley went to the golf simulator today. 
The course is not quite open yet, so she hits indoors. 
Her golf season is supposed to start in early April. 

Day 70, Thursday, March 11th

Front handsprings today. 

It's also Aunt Amy's 50th birthday today. 
(Grandma, Amy, and Papa)

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 9 (2021)

Day 57, Friday, February 26th

Front flips on the trampoline today. 

Day 58, Saturday, February 27th

Rylan's Birthday Today

Day 59, Sunday, February 28th

Celebrating at the Richland Rollarena today

Day 60, Monday, March 1st

Lots of force hugs and loves

Day 61, Tuesday, March 2nd

Ry's first soccer practice for his spring season.

Day 62, Wednesday, March 3rd

Relaxing in the sun on the trampoline.

Day 63, Thursday, March 4th

Chewy's little windblown face!


02-28-21: Skating Into Ry's 14th year...

Amy had texted me earlier this week and let me know that the Rollarena would be opening because the Tri-Cities was officially in Phase 2.  I called and rented it out as a private party.  There were lots of COVID restrictions--only up to 20 people, couldn't bring a cake or sing or blow out candles, no concessions would be sold, and no one could gather in a close group to open presents.   BUT we'd have the place to ourselves and skate and listen to music.  
And that's what we did!
Our group at the end. 
(Danny S. had taken Link, Finn, and Arthur to the park by this point and Papa Berries and Betty had left)

Just a bunch of photos of us celebrating Ry and having fun together.  
Papa in skating action...
Amy and Thomas

Grandma was super awesome, like it was the 1960's again!


Mylee and Amy helping Lincoln trying to skate.

Miryn and Rylan with the skate helpers
Miryn got going pretty fast with this thing!

Samee brought a wig, and Harper tried it out. 

The Sorensen's
Tricia, Danny, Lincoln, Finn, and Arthur

The original Kreider's on skates

Girl Cousins!

Shaking hands with Papa as he left....still such a strong grip!

Grandma and Rylan

Cousins--Missing Logan and Alyson!

Papa taking a selfie while skating

Mylee, Presley, Mom, and Amy

Mylee, Presley and Mom

Mylee, Betty, Papa Berries, Grandma, Presley and mom

Presley, Ry and Cristy

Mom and Tricia

Samee and Miryn