Sunday, January 31, 2021

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 3 (2021)

 Day 15, Friday, January 15th

I ran to get the garbage cans and came down to peek in the office at Harper doing school work. 
I found her dancing during their Go Noodle time.

Day 16, Saturday, January 16th

A mom is never alone!
Me sitting in the hot tub and Ry opens his blinds to wave to me. 

Day 17, Sunday, January 17th

Ry playing with his drone on the deck.
These two in their comfy's....again!

Day 18, Monday, January 18th

Making cotton candy today. 

Day 19, Tuesday, January 19th

Harper's last day of online school!
It was comfy/cozy day. 

Day 20, Wednesday, January 20th

Watching the inauguration of President Biden and Vice President Harris this morning. 
Harper's first day of in-school learning for 5th grade. 
She's in the PM cohort. 

Day 21, Thursday, January 21st

Saying good-bye to Logan. 
(Our flight was at 5:40 AM on Friday)

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