Sunday, January 31, 2021

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 2 (2021)

 Day 8, Friday, January 8th

Harper playing violin in her online winter concert. 
She played a part of Jingle Bells. 

Day 9, Saturday, January 9th

Gymnastics downstairs.

Day 10, Sunday, January 10th

Found these two here this evening. 

Day 11, Monday, January 11th

That orange sticker says he's been vaccinated for COVID-19. 
It's a 2 series shot so he'll get the final one in February. 

Day 12, Tuesday, January 12th

Outside practicing his kicks. 

Day 13, Wednesday, January 13th

It was a "snow" day for school, but they just moved all classes back to online for the day. 

Day 14, Thursday, January 14th

Massaging Presley's head before she goes to bed. 

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