Sunday, January 31, 2021

Kreider Professional Family Pictures

The Original Five


Family Pictures:




With the Grandkids:

Alyson, age 22

Mylee, age 19

Logan, age 19

Presley, age 17
Rylan, age 13
Harper, age 11
Miryn, age 7

Cousins Only:

Nelson Kids:

West Virginia

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 4 (2021)

 Day 22, Friday, January 22nd

And we're off!

Day 23, Saturday, January 23rd

Logan's home away from home.

Day 24, Sunday, January 24th

Three on the way there, only 2 coming back.

Day 25, Monday, January 25th

Grandma and Papa and Archie getting ready to leave.
They stayed all weekend with Presley, Rylan, and Harper. 

Day 26, Tuesday, January 26th

Harper doing her science project. 
Science, social studies, and a daily specialist in still online. 
Her in-school learning includes reading and math. 

Day 27, Wednesday, January 27th

Ry sent me a video of a few character options. 
I must have been thinking of Logan :)

Day 28, Thursday, January 28th

Ry received an online superstar PE award at school today. 
(I caught him with his eyes closed for this pic, didn't realize that until just now). 

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 3 (2021)

 Day 15, Friday, January 15th

I ran to get the garbage cans and came down to peek in the office at Harper doing school work. 
I found her dancing during their Go Noodle time.

Day 16, Saturday, January 16th

A mom is never alone!
Me sitting in the hot tub and Ry opens his blinds to wave to me. 

Day 17, Sunday, January 17th

Ry playing with his drone on the deck.
These two in their comfy's....again!

Day 18, Monday, January 18th

Making cotton candy today. 

Day 19, Tuesday, January 19th

Harper's last day of online school!
It was comfy/cozy day. 

Day 20, Wednesday, January 20th

Watching the inauguration of President Biden and Vice President Harris this morning. 
Harper's first day of in-school learning for 5th grade. 
She's in the PM cohort. 

Day 21, Thursday, January 21st

Saying good-bye to Logan. 
(Our flight was at 5:40 AM on Friday)

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 2 (2021)

 Day 8, Friday, January 8th

Harper playing violin in her online winter concert. 
She played a part of Jingle Bells. 

Day 9, Saturday, January 9th

Gymnastics downstairs.

Day 10, Sunday, January 10th

Found these two here this evening. 

Day 11, Monday, January 11th

That orange sticker says he's been vaccinated for COVID-19. 
It's a 2 series shot so he'll get the final one in February. 

Day 12, Tuesday, January 12th

Outside practicing his kicks. 

Day 13, Wednesday, January 13th

It was a "snow" day for school, but they just moved all classes back to online for the day. 

Day 14, Thursday, January 14th

Massaging Presley's head before she goes to bed. 

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 1 (2021)

 Day 1, Friday, January 1st

My first picture of 2021...ringing in the New Year. 

I bought Dave, Logan, Ry, and Harper a snowmobile tour for Christmas. 
We've had a very mild winter, but they had a great snowy time north of Leavenworth. 

Day 2, Saturday, January 2nd

Presley made us a cake for her first go at her Kitchen-Aid. 

Day 3, Sunday, January 3rd

Harper learned this trick off of watching Tik Tok. 

Day 4, Monday, January 4th

Back to online school this morning. 
(They're supposed to start January 20th in their hybrid model)

Day 5, Tuesday, January 5th

Ry's new nighttime routine includes taking Chewy out for one last potty break while he relaxes in the hot tub . 

Day 6, Wednesday, January 6th

Harper and Chewy in her comfy.
(Her and Ry's favorite Christmas gift)

Day 7, Thursday, January 7th

Logan getting Ry out of the car after school to get him to train with him.