Monday, November 30, 2020

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 45 (2020)

 Day 309, Wednesday, November 4th

Presley practicing her golf swing downstairs. 
She's really hoping to have a golf season this spring.

Day 310, Thursday, November 5th

Some much needed fresh air at the park.  

Day 311, Friday, November 6th

Watching an episode of Mandolorian tonight

Day 312, Saturday, November 7th

The movie theaters were finally allowed to open and ours is running Christmas movies through December.  We watched "Christmas Vacation". 
(I'm so glad we did this because the theaters were shut down again the following weekend)

Day 313, Sunday, November 8th

Another gorgeous fall day, perfect for a little soccer. 

Day 314, Monday, November 9th

Back in July/August, right around the time of my surgery, Dave and mom went to look at hot tubs and made this purchase.  Eventually, it will be placed out on the grass area shown, which will be pavers (the ones we want are on back order).  104 degrees sure has been nice! 

Day 315, Tuesday, November 10th

Ry's report card arrived today in the mail and it was excellent. 
There were lots of fun awards inside, like the history award and excellent on-line learner award. 

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