Thursday, November 5, 2020

Halloween 2020


Presley and I tried to make mummy meat pies on Friday night. 

And I laid out a few treats for Halloween morning. 

Presley put on Chewy's Halloween scarf, and Harper had morning basketball at YMCA.

Presley made a cake and cupcakes.

We had pumpkin pizza tonight.

Harper got ready to trick or treat, but then she had to lay down because she had a little headache.

Ry received an invitation to hang out at his friend's house for a little in-person "Among Us".

While Harper rested, Dave, Logan, and I handed out candy. 
I was surprised that we had so many trick-or-treaters.
Chewy does not do well with strangers ringing the doorbell so he hung with Logan. 

Harper woke up and I took her to walk the neighborhood. 
Some people left their candy out with a note to take one piece. 
Some people opened the door like every year. 
And one neighbor created a 6 foot tube slide for the candy to go down. 
And our last stop is always Dad, who tried to capture our puppy!

Presley and her two friends came over and stayed downstairs watching movies. 
(They were college frat boys with bottles of wine (apple cider))

Tricia texted out the Sorensen Superheroes

Nate and Miryn as Jasmine and Aladdin

Samee as a rock star

And grandma wore her witch hat to take Archie for his walk. 

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