Monday, November 30, 2020

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 47 (2020)

 Day 323, Wednesday, November 18th

Online feedback for Ry's writing assignment. 

Day 324, Thursday, November 19th

Another doctor's appointment and surgery follow up. 
All looks as it should 3.5 months post surgery. 

Day 325, Friday, November 20th

Logan's last ZOOM online class. 
He has finals next week. 

Day 326, Saturday, November 21st
A package arrived for Logan from Wesleyan and there was a mask and some other goodies inside. 

Day 327, Sunday, November 22nd

We went to pick out our live Christmas tree today. 

Day 328, Monday, November 23rd

I think Logan might miss Chewy the most while he's gone. 

Day 329, Tuesday, November 24th

We won't be here for Thanksgiving so I started taking down fall decorations and putting up Christmas stuff. 

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 46 (2020)

 Day 316, Wednesday, November 11th

Recess time with neighbors. 

Day 317, Thursday, November 12th

Woke up to a little snow this morn!  Yuck, I'm not ready!

Day 318, Friday, November 13th

I was going to Portland today for our fall shopping trip and Amy, Samee, and I let Grandma and Papa know that we were taking them to Coeur d'Alene, Idaho to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. 

Day 319, Saturday, November 14th

Dad took Harper to her last YMCA basketball session. 

Day 320, Sunday, November 15th

Governor Inslee re-instated statewide restrictions due to a rise in positive COVID cases. 
Luckily, this did not effect schools re-opening plans. 

Day 321, Monday, November 16th

I was leaving to get groceries and found Harper dancing in the window during a school break. 

Day 322, Tuesday, November 17th

Chewy found a new comfy sleeping spot. 

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 45 (2020)

 Day 309, Wednesday, November 4th

Presley practicing her golf swing downstairs. 
She's really hoping to have a golf season this spring.

Day 310, Thursday, November 5th

Some much needed fresh air at the park.  

Day 311, Friday, November 6th

Watching an episode of Mandolorian tonight

Day 312, Saturday, November 7th

The movie theaters were finally allowed to open and ours is running Christmas movies through December.  We watched "Christmas Vacation". 
(I'm so glad we did this because the theaters were shut down again the following weekend)

Day 313, Sunday, November 8th

Another gorgeous fall day, perfect for a little soccer. 

Day 314, Monday, November 9th

Back in July/August, right around the time of my surgery, Dave and mom went to look at hot tubs and made this purchase.  Eventually, it will be placed out on the grass area shown, which will be pavers (the ones we want are on back order).  104 degrees sure has been nice! 

Day 315, Tuesday, November 10th

Ry's report card arrived today in the mail and it was excellent. 
There were lots of fun awards inside, like the history award and excellent on-line learner award. 

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Halloween 2020


Presley and I tried to make mummy meat pies on Friday night. 

And I laid out a few treats for Halloween morning. 

Presley put on Chewy's Halloween scarf, and Harper had morning basketball at YMCA.

Presley made a cake and cupcakes.

We had pumpkin pizza tonight.

Harper got ready to trick or treat, but then she had to lay down because she had a little headache.

Ry received an invitation to hang out at his friend's house for a little in-person "Among Us".

While Harper rested, Dave, Logan, and I handed out candy. 
I was surprised that we had so many trick-or-treaters.
Chewy does not do well with strangers ringing the doorbell so he hung with Logan. 

Harper woke up and I took her to walk the neighborhood. 
Some people left their candy out with a note to take one piece. 
Some people opened the door like every year. 
And one neighbor created a 6 foot tube slide for the candy to go down. 
And our last stop is always Dad, who tried to capture our puppy!

Presley and her two friends came over and stayed downstairs watching movies. 
(They were college frat boys with bottles of wine (apple cider))

Tricia texted out the Sorensen Superheroes

Nate and Miryn as Jasmine and Aladdin

Samee as a rock star

And grandma wore her witch hat to take Archie for his walk. 

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 44 (2020)

Day 302, Wednesday, October 28th

Not your typical school harvest party, but the kids were able to dress up for their Zoom party. 

Day 303, Thursday, October 29th

Ry's had a good run with his glasses, but he really wanted to try contacts. 
Presley was trying to teach him how she puts them in and takes them out. 

And this wasn't quite the fall band concert we've had in the past, but Rylan's band teacher was able to have the students pre-record their instrumental piece for "Thriller" and edit it together.  
We watched this on YouTube tonight.
(The band teacher is the instructor for both the high school and middle school, and the choir students were also involved in this concert.  Ry's group is on at about the 10:25 mark, special appearance by Chewy as he walks in Ry's bedroom door.)

Day 304, Friday, October 30th
We carved pumpkins tonight!

Day 305, Saturday, October 31st

My two favorite pups this year...they both seem to get lots of treats!

Day 306, Sunday, November 1st

I passed Harper while I was driving home and she was out walking Chewy. 

Day 307, Monday, November 2nd

Took away the glasses but added braces this week!

Day 308, Tuesday, November 3rd 

A beautiful rainbow today while I sat outside with Chewy. 

Logan registered to vote earlier this month and exercised that right for the first time!

Our last look at the electoral college count as we went to bed at 11. 
(The official announcement has still not been made, but there is a strong indication that Joe Biden/Kamala Harris will be out next president and Vice President)