Saturday, July 11, 2020

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 27 (2020)

Day 183, Wednesday, July 1st

Logan received his final high school report card!
All A's !!!  A first for Logan!!!!
(COVID's protocol was either an A or an Incomplete)

Day 184, Thursday, July 2nd
The neighbors below us own a small cherry orchard and they came up to tell us that there was a late frost that ruined their crop for the year and to come down and pick cherries. 
So Dave took them down one night to pick cherries. 

Day 185, Friday, July 3rd
Harper reading to me as I fold laundry. 

Day 186, Saturday, July 4th
Happy Independence Day

Day 187, Sunday, July 5th
Logan and Chewy snuggles

Day 188, Monday, July 6th

Funny things on my phone's google search (this could only be Harper)

Day 189, Tuesday, July 7th

Logan went for his physical today and our doctor had only one recommendations for him:  
Don't let the other team score

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