Saturday, July 18, 2020

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 28 (2020)

Day 190, Wednesday, July 8th
Dave has been in Montana this week and went on an evening hike. 

Day 191, Thursday, July 9th
My back has been so sore this week.  Keeping my feet elevated seems to help a bit. 

Day 192, Friday, July 10th
Swimming today!

Day 193, Saturday, July 11th
Ry and Harper were invited by a girls volleyball team to play down at Walla Walla. 
They had a fun time. 
I love the picture of Ry handling the girls on the paddle board. 

Day 194, Sunday, July 12th
Logan and Presley's gym were given an official State warning of closure if they didn't immediately stop organized trainings.  So Logan's car was moved out and the weights were moved into our garage.  Now the high school boys group works out here on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and Logan uses them whenever. 

Day 195, Monday, July 13th
After 6 hours in the emergency room, I was finally admitted into my own room to wait for an MRI.  Room 5530 became my home until my check out on Thursday, July 16th.

Day 196, Tuesday, July 14th
Our hospital has a one person visitor limit but we were able to sneak Presley in. 
She brought me some toiletry items and a change of clothes.  
She loved being able to see and visit with me for a bit. 

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 27 (2020)

Day 183, Wednesday, July 1st

Logan received his final high school report card!
All A's !!!  A first for Logan!!!!
(COVID's protocol was either an A or an Incomplete)

Day 184, Thursday, July 2nd
The neighbors below us own a small cherry orchard and they came up to tell us that there was a late frost that ruined their crop for the year and to come down and pick cherries. 
So Dave took them down one night to pick cherries. 

Day 185, Friday, July 3rd
Harper reading to me as I fold laundry. 

Day 186, Saturday, July 4th
Happy Independence Day

Day 187, Sunday, July 5th
Logan and Chewy snuggles

Day 188, Monday, July 6th

Funny things on my phone's google search (this could only be Harper)

Day 189, Tuesday, July 7th

Logan went for his physical today and our doctor had only one recommendations for him:  
Don't let the other team score

Friday, July 10, 2020

Fourth of July 2020

This Fourth of July was one where we weren't all together. 
Dave was called in for an emergency at 1 AM and didn't get back home until noon.
He fell asleep once he got home. 

Presley and Harper were invited to Lake Chelan by the Berry's, and we let Presley drive there and they stayed the night at their cabin. 

Logan stayed the night at Colby's house with a big group of boys. 

Presley, Logan and I watched Hamilton on Disney+ this morning. 
It was amazing!

We took a picture before Presley and Harper left, but Dad was still gone. 

Rylan and Chewy with his festive collar. 

At Lake Chelan

Thats Harper and her friend in the intertube.
The girls loved, loved, loved the boating!  They've got some Legard in them :)

Dave, Ry and I had a platter dinner. 
Presley made us jello before she left. 

 Harper texted me this picture of the fireworks from where the boat they were all watching them from. 
Presley and her 2 best girlfriends. 

Dave and Chewy went to bed before the Wenatchee fireworks started so Ry and I watched them from our deck, and then went to bed. 
Dave took Chewy to sleep with him before the fireworks and Dave was so tired and already asleep, we aren't really sure how Chewy did during the show. 
I took this picture on the morning of July 5th so I hope he wasn't up and scared and felt alone in the room with Dave, who was asleep and wasn't comforting him.  
He's sleeping here like he might have had a wild and long night.  Poor puppy!

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 26 (2020)

Day 176, Wednesday, June 24th
I have NOT bought Clorox Wipes since March, and we finally found some in Safeway this week. 

Day 177, Thursday, June 25th
Chewy was neutered today and Harper came with us to pick him up.
She missed him all day long and was so excited to get to gently hold him. 

Day 178, Friday, June 26th
A little pool reading and sun bathing. 

Day 179, Saturday, June 27th
An ice cream truck drove up our street and we heard the music playing so we ran out for a treat. 

Day 180, Sunday, June 28th
I'll miss seeing these two laugh together while watching videos.

Day 181, Monday, June 29th
She made a perfectly toasted marshmallow for her s'more tonight. 

Day 182, Tuesday, June 30th
Dave on the left, Logan on the right kicking balls at the college field this evening. 
Ry and I went to shoot baskets on their courts, and everyone decided to join us.