Thursday, April 25, 2019

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 16 (2019)

Day 106, Tuesday, April 16th
Picking up Presley from golf today. 
Ry's carrying her clubs. 

Day 107, Wednesday, April 17th
We had to clear out the bedrooms because we had carpet removed and hardwood put in all the bedrooms. 
Presley helped me move mattresses. 

Day 108, Thursday, April 18th
Ry's last soccer practice of the season. 

Day 109, Friday, April 19th
An overtime win against Eastmont tonight. 

Day 110, Saturday, April 20th
Harper's first game of the spring soccer season. 
She had one goal today and played defense. 

Day 111, Sunday, April 21st
Easter Sunday

Day 112, Monday, April 22nd
Ry and Harper are doing a basketball camp at the high school this week. 
Harper's been doing some sibling name dropping with the student helpers :)

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