Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 17 (2019)

Day 113, Tuesday, April 23rd
Bowler or Goalkeeper?  
 A great win over Sunnyside today, 2-0

Day 114, Wednesday, April 24th
Ry had to finish a big school project before leaving for the Vex Tournament. 

Day 115, Thursday, April 25th
Dave took Ry to Avengers: Endgame tonight. 
Logan and Presley were mad (they were both gone at movie time). 

Day 116, Friday, April 26th
Dropping off Ry to the middle school to leave to Seattle. 
The ASB had written each of their names and Good Luck at the entrance. 

Day 117, Saturday, April 27th
A little tetherball today. 

Day 118, Sunday, April 28th
Celebrating Presley's good friend's 15th birthday tonight. 

Day 119, Monday, April 29th
Ry at his Vex Tournament in Louisville, Kentucky. 
This is some of the Vex swag he gathered from other teams. 

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Easter 2019

Easter fell on April 21st this year. 

On Saturday evening we colored eggs. 

They colored eggs at Samee's house too. 
And Mylee got her second tattoo!

Grandma made a bunny cake

We woke up on Sunday with Easter baskets filled.

I made bunny pancakes for breakfast. 

We didn't have a plan so Logan went to hike Saddlerock, and then the kids wanted to do that too. 
We texted Logan that we were on our way, and we did meet up with him and Kaylee as they were on their way back down. 
We still had a long ways to go to get to the top!
But we made it (I definitely slowed us all down)!
But they all were patient and waited for me to walk to the top together. 

Rylan shared his water with Harper.

When we got back home we cleaned up and headed out to dinner. 

I took one family picture before the kids played basketball outside. 

Despite the 66 degree water temperature, Presley, Rylan and Harper decided to take a quick swim. 
Its pretty close between Harper and Ry for first in the pool. 

That lasted about 30 seconds :).

Thursday, April 25, 2019

A Winning Week-End

The first win for the week-end came on Friday night. 
Logan played against Eastmont for their second meeting of the year. 
The Panthers won 2-0 when they met in March. 
The game was held at Eastmont on a grass field. 

The game was tied 0-0 at the end of regulation time. 
We had lots of shots on goal, but they were almost all right to the keeper's hands (he was busy and did have a couple of saves). 
Logan was not very busy at all, but made 2 crucial saves in the 2nd half to send the game into extra time. 
Extra time consists of two 5 minute halves (switch goals at the 5 minute mark)  before the game goes into penalty kicks for the win. 
The extra time is called golden goal--first one to score, wins. 

12 seconds left before that first five minute half and we got a header goal!
We won 1-0!


Logan two good saves at 61.55 and the 77th minute. 

Harper had her first spring soccer game on Saturday morning. 
She was one of the team captains. 
They play rock, paper, scissors to pick goals. 
She started in defense today. 

When her team scored their first goal, she did a little jump and high five with the goalie. 
She played forward today too and had one goal. 

Ry had the last game of Saturday. 
He played his final league game of the season. 
He had 2 goals and one assist today, and they won.

They took 2nd place in their division this spring season. 
(Notice Ry with his water bottle)....
He went straight for his coach!

They had a potluck BBQ after the game and handed out trophies too. 
His coaches, Marco and Pierre

 A winning week-end for the Nelson soccer players!

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 16 (2019)

Day 106, Tuesday, April 16th
Picking up Presley from golf today. 
Ry's carrying her clubs. 

Day 107, Wednesday, April 17th
We had to clear out the bedrooms because we had carpet removed and hardwood put in all the bedrooms. 
Presley helped me move mattresses. 

Day 108, Thursday, April 18th
Ry's last soccer practice of the season. 

Day 109, Friday, April 19th
An overtime win against Eastmont tonight. 

Day 110, Saturday, April 20th
Harper's first game of the spring soccer season. 
She had one goal today and played defense. 

Day 111, Sunday, April 21st
Easter Sunday

Day 112, Monday, April 22nd
Ry and Harper are doing a basketball camp at the high school this week. 
Harper's been doing some sibling name dropping with the student helpers :)