Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 12 (2018)

Day 78, Monday, March 19th
Logan's friend asked him to TOLO today at school. 

Day 79, Tuesday, March 20th
Rylan's Spring Violin Concert tonight. 
He was doing a solo here. 

Day 80, Wednesday, March 21st
Presley took 3rd place overall (out of 29 swimmers) in the 50 meter breast stroke at her swim meet last week. 
She placed 8th overall in the freestyle out of 52 swimmers. 

Day 81, Thursday, March 22nd
Hat Day at school today. 

Day 82, Friday, March 23rd
There was an evening open gym tonight and Harper went with some of her friends. She's attempting a cartwheel on the beam here.  

Day 83, Saturday, March 24th
The TOLO dance was tonight. 

Day 84, Sunday, March 25th
Harper pointing out all of her friends in her class picture to Logan this morning. 

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