Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 11 (2018)

Day 71, Monday, March 12th
Presley's Spring Choir Concert tonight

Day 72, Tuesday, March 13th
Logan's first home game tonight vs. Quincy. 
They won 2-0. 

Day 73, Wednesday, March 14th
Presley's first swim meet today. She's in the black cap. 

Day 74, Thursday, March 15th
Ry earned his black belt in recorder karate today. 
Neither Logan or Presley were able to to do this. 
He'll get to perform at his 5th grade graduation. 

Day 75, Friday, March 16th
Some Legard fans braved the rain, hail, and wind to root for Logan vs. Sunnyside tonight. 
They did end up losing 0-1.  
(Cristy is taking the picture.) 

Day 76, Saturday, March 17th
Our breakfast for St. Patrick's Day

Day 77, Sunday, March 18th
Playing light saber fights with sticks outside. 

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