Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 36 (2016)

Day 246, Friday, September 2nd
We headed to Surrey, Canada right after school today for Logan's Surf Academy tournament. 

Day 247, Saturday, September 3rd
Look who came to Canada to watch Logan play. 
They got to see one win and one loss. 
And another loss with Dave at a Canadian casino on Saturday night. 

Day 248, Sunday, September 4th
A nice block during the game. 

About this time, we heard my car alarm go off and saw a van pulled up very close to my car. 
Dave went walking across the street (we thought the van had hit our car), only for them to quickly pull out of the parking lot.  Dave quickly realized that our car was fine, but my purse had been stolen from the front seat (our car was locked so they must have had a tool to unlock which is why the alarm went off).   We called the police and called to cancel credit cards and debit cards while Logan continued to play on.  Presley was most upset but then told me later she was more mad. 

Day 249, Monday, September 5th
Happy to be back home in the USA. 
A very nice border patrol let me cross into Washington State without my enhanced license. 

Day 250, Tuesday, September 6th
Harper's first soccer game of the season. 

Day 251, Wednesday, September 7th
I thought Ry had forgotten about giving me the I Love You sign at drop off because he hadn't done it yet this year.  He told Logan I love you as he was getting out of the car and Logan put the sign up and Ry copied him. 

Day 252, Thursday, September 8th
Dropping off Logan at school and the upper classmen stand outside and high five all the students walking in. 

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