Friday, September 30, 2016

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 39 (2016)

Day 267, Friday, September 23rd
Logan has Mr. Devereaux (Varsity football coach) for PE and Dave knows him. 
Dave told Logan to give Mr. Devereaux a bad time about his playing days.  

Day 268, Saturday, September 24th
We finally received Presley's Seussical DVD in the mail. 
They watched Presley's part over and over. 

Day 269, Sunday, September 25th
Swimming and waiting for Dave and Rylan to get home from a soccer weekend in Seattle. 

Day 270, Monday, September 26th
During Harper's game I looked back and Dave had started a touch football game with the siblings of the soccer players. 

Day 271, Tuesday, September 27th
 A little scooter riding before leaving for school. 

Day 272, Wednesday, September 28th
Wednesday evening is our only week night that is open so Harper invited the neighbor boys over for swimming. 

Day 273, Thursday, September 29th
Harper supervising the washing of the truck. 

Friday, September 23, 2016

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 38 (2016)

Day 260, Friday, September 16th
When your kiddo wins the most prize tickets at a friend's birthday party.

Day 261, Saturday, September 17th
Ry's team lost this afternoon, but it was a very good game and Ry played very well. 
Harper ran over him, put her arm around him, and Ry gave her a quick peck. 

Day 262, Sunday, September 18th
 Warming up after an evening swim.

Day 263, Monday, September 19th
Happy Birthday!
(The kids asked that I make a sign for Dad too, that was not my idea.)

Day 264, Tuesday, September 20th
Running through the tunnel after a win tonight. 

Day 265, Wednesday, September 21st
Learning to read is hard work!

Day 266, Thursday, September 22nd
Logan brought tape home to practice on Dave. 
Then Dave taught him a few tips. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 37 (2016)

Day 253, Friday, September 9th
Logan's favorite class so far has been sports medicine. 
He was able to be on the sidelines for both the Freshmen and Varsity games tonight. 
He mostly runs water bottles to the players, but he's learning about taping and will soon be able to do more, and he's looking forward to that. 

Day 254, Saturday, September 10th
I was so proud of Harper this morning. 
Little #3 was crying and just having a hard time when her mom was trying to get her to play soccer. 
Harper went right up to her and asked her, "do you want to stand by me?" (as they were warming up), and then just kept her arm around her, patting and rubbing her back, until she settled into the game. 
We didn't encourage her to do this in any way, it was just a sweet friend moment. 

Day 255, Sunday, September 11th
Getting a little pep talk before his game today. 
They tied 2-2. 

Day 256, Monday, September 12th
Presley took this picture of Harper mid-kick in the car on Monday morning. 
In kindergarten, her Monday late start time was 11:00.  
First through eighth grade's late start time is 9:30. 
She was not happy about going at the same time as Rylan, and was yelling, "but I don't get alone time with mom."
(we would always run a couple errands together last year after I dropped off the older kids for their Monday late start).

Day 257, Tuesday, September 13th
Hawaiian Day at school today for Presley.

Day 258, Wednesday, September 14th
My house just got a lot noisier. 
Rylan decided he wanted to try "Strings" this year so we rented a violin for the year. 

Day 259, Thursday, September 15th

This year it seems like the teachers are using more phone apps as communication tools for parents. 
This is Presley's Class Dojo daily report for choir.
Rylan's teacher uses Class Dojo too and he has great daily reports too. 
On this day, Mrs. Baier sent me this sweet message about Ry. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 36 (2016)

Day 246, Friday, September 2nd
We headed to Surrey, Canada right after school today for Logan's Surf Academy tournament. 

Day 247, Saturday, September 3rd
Look who came to Canada to watch Logan play. 
They got to see one win and one loss. 
And another loss with Dave at a Canadian casino on Saturday night. 

Day 248, Sunday, September 4th
A nice block during the game. 

About this time, we heard my car alarm go off and saw a van pulled up very close to my car. 
Dave went walking across the street (we thought the van had hit our car), only for them to quickly pull out of the parking lot.  Dave quickly realized that our car was fine, but my purse had been stolen from the front seat (our car was locked so they must have had a tool to unlock which is why the alarm went off).   We called the police and called to cancel credit cards and debit cards while Logan continued to play on.  Presley was most upset but then told me later she was more mad. 

Day 249, Monday, September 5th
Happy to be back home in the USA. 
A very nice border patrol let me cross into Washington State without my enhanced license. 

Day 250, Tuesday, September 6th
Harper's first soccer game of the season. 

Day 251, Wednesday, September 7th
I thought Ry had forgotten about giving me the I Love You sign at drop off because he hadn't done it yet this year.  He told Logan I love you as he was getting out of the car and Logan put the sign up and Ry copied him. 

Day 252, Thursday, September 8th
Dropping off Logan at school and the upper classmen stand outside and high five all the students walking in. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 35 (2016)

Day 239, Friday, August 26th
Presley invited her friends over for a Back to School Brinner  
(we had breakfast for dinner)
and some late night swimming. 

Day 240, Saturday, August 27th
 Officially NINE AND A HALF!

Harper, Presley and I drove to the Tri-Cities this afternoon. 
Amy had bought my mom a Paint Nite for her birthday and Samee and I tagged along. 
Our finished projects.

Day 241, Sunday, August 28th
Ry enjoyed a hot cup of cocoa while watching Logan practice with his Surf team in Issaquah. 

Day 242, Monday, August 29th
The day before school started included reading, relaxing, and swimming. 

Day 243, Tuesday, August 30th
First day of school for our first grader, fourth grader, seventh grader and freshman!

Day 244,  Wednesday, August 31st
A little DQ treat before an early bedtime. 

Day 245, Thursday, September 1st
Watching Logan on his long board before heading off to school. 

Thursday, September 1, 2016

First Day of School: August 30, 2016

Our summer officially ended on Tuesday, August 30th. 

Ry and Harper were the first to join me in the kitchen. 

I was a little worried about making three school stops before 8:15. 
So Rylan and Harper were one of the first kids at the door. 
We were so early that the doors weren't even opened and we had to wait until Mr. Perkins opened them. 
I walked Harper down to her classroom but her teacher wasn't even there yet (the door was closed with no lights on) so I sent her outside to recess. 
Then I quickly walked Ry to his classroom. 
(and apologized to Mrs. Baier for being so early, but she understood because she has older kids too)
Ry was happy that his friend Caden is his locker buddy. 

Our next stop was Foothills. 
As I was pulling through the drop off line, Presley said, "I see some friends, let me off here". 
So I didn't get a good picture of her walking in. 

And then it was Logan and I. 
He seemed excited but he was very talkative and maybe a little nervous. 
Walking in as a freshman!
A tall freshman at that (can you spot Logan?)

I ran some errands, made some returns, started organizing my closet, and bought the first Christmas present of the year before pick up time. 
Mrs. Martin came to my window to tell me that while waiting in the pick up line Rylan asked her how her day went. 

We picked up Presley next...

And finally Logan at the high school. 

Everyone had great first day of school reports!

Alyson (senior) and Mylee (sophmore)

Presley's snapchat at the end of the night!