Friday, March 25, 2016

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 12 (2016)

Day 78, Friday, March 18th
Dave and Ry went out and bought a hoop today. 
The boys stayed out til dark tonight shooting around. 

Day 79, Saturday, March 19th
Logan had a Seattle practice today so they went to an evening Seattle Sounders soccer game. 
Presley performed at the Family Expo today too. 

Day 80, Sunday, March 20th
A little 2 on 1. 
Dad won!

Day 81, Monday, March 21st
Playing a little Go Fish with this one. 

Day 82, Tuesday, March 22nd
Perfect spring weather for basketball, roller skating, and neighborhood friends!

Day 83, Wednesday, March 23rd
Picking up Logan from school and he comes out with a stick on mustache. 

Day 84, Thursday, March 24th
Presley (and 2 friends) had the opportunity to sing the National Anthem at her 2nd swim meet. 

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