Friday, March 25, 2016

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 12 (2016)

Day 78, Friday, March 18th
Dave and Ry went out and bought a hoop today. 
The boys stayed out til dark tonight shooting around. 

Day 79, Saturday, March 19th
Logan had a Seattle practice today so they went to an evening Seattle Sounders soccer game. 
Presley performed at the Family Expo today too. 

Day 80, Sunday, March 20th
A little 2 on 1. 
Dad won!

Day 81, Monday, March 21st
Playing a little Go Fish with this one. 

Day 82, Tuesday, March 22nd
Perfect spring weather for basketball, roller skating, and neighborhood friends!

Day 83, Wednesday, March 23rd
Picking up Logan from school and he comes out with a stick on mustache. 

Day 84, Thursday, March 24th
Presley (and 2 friends) had the opportunity to sing the National Anthem at her 2nd swim meet. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Happy St. Patrick's Day

A little leprechaun found our new house and left the kids some gold coins, apple pop rocks, and  green Jone's soda. 

He also used our bathrooms again this year!

I made a St. Paddy's breakfast of green eggs, green grapes, lucky charms, and a chocolate doughnut. 

Off to school this one would be getting pinched. 

Presley had her first swim meet after school and 
Rylan had soccer practice. 

They ate their pop rocks for a treat tonight. 

Monday, March 21, 2016

Lea's Day-Leas, Week 11 (2016)

Day 71, Friday, March 11th
Logan's play off game for indoor soccer. 
They won to make it to the championship game. 

Day 72, Saturday, March 12th
Grandma went to see Zootopia with us because Papa had a job in Wenatchee. 

Day 73, Sunday, March 13th
Rylan received a terrarium for his birthday and I took him today to get rock and bamboo for it. 

Day 74, Monday, March 14th
Waiting patiently for his after school snack. 

Day 75, Tuesday, March 15th
Presley had her spring choir concert tonight. 
We all went and I looked over and saw Logan...
using the program as a cover to his phone. 

Day 76, Wednesday, March 16th
Practicing yoga before Survivor tonight. 

Day 77, Thursday, March 17th
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
And Presley had her first swim meet today after school. 
She raced in the free style, back stroke, and breast stroke events. 

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 10 (2016)

Day 64, Friday, March 4th
A little Star Wars light saber battle before bed. 

Day 65, Saturday, March 5th
I ran across this paper while I was going through Harper's folder.
Me and my mom went to the park. We ate ice cream.  I like my mom. 

Day 66, Sunday, March 6th
The day Harper announced that these dress-up, 60's glasses help her see better, and that she'd like to wear them to school from now on.

Day 67, Monday, March 7th
 Peyton Manning announces his NFL retirement. 
Dad and I both got a little teary eyed. 

 Day 68, Tuesday, March 8th
Fourteen years of tying shoes came to an end today for me when Harper learned how to do it.  Boom!

Day 69, Wednesday, March 9th
A rainy afternoon reading a magazine. 

Day 70, Thursday, March 10th
Logan had a retainer check on Monday, but couldn't find his retainer so they did new molds for a new one today.  
On Tuesday I called the hotel we stayed at in California on the off chance they had found one in our room.  
20 minutes (and $200) after we left this appointment,  the hotel called me back and said they found it and would send it back to us.  
Ugh! Guess he has a back up now. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

2/27/16: Rylan's 9th Birthday

Today we celebrated our little Ry-Bear.

Daddy was wishing you a happy birthday.

Presley had her first Stage Kids Spring Acting session this morning 
(she found out today that she'll be playing Thing 2 in Seussical the Musical). 
But first, she had to prove that she was still stronger than you in arm wrestling. 

Kelly took Logan today to his first Surf Soccer practice in Seattle. 
Quick kid picture before Logan and Presley left. 

Ry requested McDonald's for lunch because he wanted to go with Harper in the play area. 
He told us that he was too big for this now because he kept having to bend down really low to climb around the play area. 

We picked up Presley from play practice and stopped by Safeway for your cake and ice cream. 
Then we went home and waited for Grandma and Papa to come. 
You guys weren't excited at all to see them. 
Presley is officially taller than Grandma. 

We had your choice of dinner of pulled pork, rolls, and veggies.
After dinner you opened your presents. 
We were ready for cake and ice cream. 
You specifically asked for white cake, white frosting, blue letters and a pig on your cake. 

We sang to you and you 
blew out your candles. 

Dad cut the cake and I dished up the ice cream. 
I had a special napkin to hand to you with your plate. 

Oh, Yeah!!  We're going to Disneyland!!

We ended the night by watching "The Good Dinosaur" on the big screen and playing a new game called Rummikub that Grandma and Papa brought. 

Logan came home and you told him the our little vacation plans. 
And it was off to bed...we were excited for tomorrow.  

Sunday, March 6, 2016

You Tube Video from Ry...

Last Friday at dinner, Ry was sharing about his school day and that Mrs. Peterson had shown the class this You Tube Video. 

Ry loved the *bonus saying at the really into that one :)

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 9 (2016)

Day 57, Friday, February 26th
Logan is a TA in 5th period so sometimes he'll text me during that time.  
He did today so I could check his grades online and see he's getting all 4's. 
Our deal with playing Surf Soccer is that he maintain 3's and 4's in all his classes. 

Day 58, Saturday, February 27th
Our sweet birthday boy turned 9 today!!

Day 59, Sunday, February 28th
Heading to Disneyland!!
We made it into the park by 4:00 today. 

Day 60, Monday, February 29th
We spent Leap day in California Adventure today and Harper was tall enough to ride Screamin'.
This is our ride photo... 2 things...
1.  Mom actually took a decent ride photo picture (she's famous for bad ride photo pics). 
2.  Harper's arms were up the whole time (she's next to Dave and you can just see the tips of her fingers)

Day 61, Tuesday, March 1st
Started our morning right with Mickey pancakes. 
Ry completed Jedi Training this afternoon. 
This was top on his list of things to do in Disneyland. 

Day 62, Wednesday, March 2nd
A sign of a good trip...well behaved kids on plane while parent sleeps!!

Day 63, Thursday, March 3rd
A nice e-mail today from Presley's science teacher.