Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 27 (2015)

Day 183, Thursday, July 2nd
Harper ran upstairs to get the boys from their showers to show them a frog on the backyard porch area. 

Day 184, Friday, July 3rd
Grandma, Papa, and Grandma Jeri came to watch Presley's first performance of 
"Don't Say No to the USO"

Day 185, Saturday, July 4th
Happy 4th of July

Day 186, Sunday, July 5th
Grandma and Papa on her 64th Birthday

Day 187, Monday, July 6th
Ry practicing penalty shots at his soccer practice

Day 188, Tuesday, July 7th
Presley broke a brace this week-end (biting into a lollipop on the 4th) so she had an appointment to get it fixed.  We stopped by Starbucks on the way home for raspberry lemonade for everyone.  

Day 189, Wednesday, July 8th
Presley and her friend Ainsley at a neighborhood swimming party. 

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