Thursday, July 30, 2015

Lea's, Day-Lea's, Week 30 (2015)

Day 204, Thursday, July 23rd
The good news about packing is lots of bubble wrap.  
The kids played "Bubble Man" all morning long. 

Day 205, Friday, July 24th
Ry had a tournament at Starfire this week-end. 
They won Friday's game, 2-0. 

Day 206, Saturday, July 25th
Ry's Saturday game wasn't until 3:00 PM so we took a little morning swim at the hotel. 
They won again today, 2-0 and Ry had one goal. 

Day 207, Sunday, July 26th
Eating lunch at the Cheesecake Factory after Rylan's last game (lost 1-2 on a last minute goal). 

Day 208, Monday, July 27th
We went for a treat at Fro-Yo and it was "guess your cup's weight" day. 
These two guessed theirs correctly and got them for free!! 

Day 209, Tuesday, July 28th
One of the very last things to be finished at the house was Presley's bedroom stripes. 

Day 210, Wednesday, July 29th
We're in Logan's bedroom and the kids were leaping over this scrap piece of carpet. 

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 29 (2015)

Day 197, Thursday, July 16th
We got a sweet note in the mail from the Nihill's. 
The kids love their cousin Miryn. 

Day 198, Friday, July 17th
Possibly my favorite picture of the summer!!  Everytime I see this it makes me laugh. 
Presley giving me a soapy foot massage and I caught Harper jumping on the trampoline. 

Day 199, Saturday, July 18th
(The boys picked up Logan from his soccer camp on Friday).
We were on our way to see the movies, The Minions.

Day 200, Sunday, July 19th
I took the kids to the river to swim and they all played together in the sand. 

Day 201, Monday, July 20th
Mrs. Willett, the Sunnyslope office secretary, died unexpectedly on 7/17. 
I worked pretty closely with her this year doing PTSA stuff. 
She loved Harper and I would often give her boxes of Harper's clothes to pass on to her daughter, who had a baby girl about 2 years ago.  

Day 202, Tuesday,  July 21st
Ry and Harper have loved pretend "digging" when were out at the house. 

Day 203, Wednesday, July 22nd
Our pool hole was dug out today. 

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 28 (2015)

Day 190, Thursday, July 9th
Logan wanted his hair cut and took this picture of David Beckham in to show the stylist. 

Day 191, Friday, July 10th
Dad's oldest friend Troy turned 40 and we had a big fiesta for him. 
Logan signed our card, Happy Birthday Uncle Roy.
(When we were first married Troy came to my parents and grandparents house for Christmas one year and Tricia referred to him as Roy.)

Day 192, Saturday, July 11th
Presley was invited to go boating with Taylor and her family. 

Day 193, Sunday, July 12th
Dad took Logan to his soccer camp at Bastyr University in Kenmore, WA for a whole week. 

Day 194, Monday, July 13th
Dad keeping a "technological eye" on Logan. 

Day 195, Tuesday, July 14th
I took these three to Lake Chelan today for swimming. 

Day 196, Wednesday, July 15th
Due to a series of very fortunate (for Presley) circumstances, Amy ended up with one extra One Direction ticket and offered it to Presley.  I had to drop her off in Ellensburg to meet up with Amy, Alyson, Mylee and her friend Ashley on their way to Seattle. 

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 27 (2015)

Day 183, Thursday, July 2nd
Harper ran upstairs to get the boys from their showers to show them a frog on the backyard porch area. 

Day 184, Friday, July 3rd
Grandma, Papa, and Grandma Jeri came to watch Presley's first performance of 
"Don't Say No to the USO"

Day 185, Saturday, July 4th
Happy 4th of July

Day 186, Sunday, July 5th
Grandma and Papa on her 64th Birthday

Day 187, Monday, July 6th
Ry practicing penalty shots at his soccer practice

Day 188, Tuesday, July 7th
Presley broke a brace this week-end (biting into a lollipop on the 4th) so she had an appointment to get it fixed.  We stopped by Starbucks on the way home for raspberry lemonade for everyone.  

Day 189, Wednesday, July 8th
Presley and her friend Ainsley at a neighborhood swimming party. 

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Wenatchee Fires

On Sunday afternoon Rylan had a birthday party in Cashmere. 
On the way home, I noticed some smoke coming from the Monitor area and I actually pulled over on Easy Street in the Mormon church parking lot and took a picture.  We were back home about 4. 

About 8:45 I stepped outside to water my flowers and saw this from our front porch. 

And pretty much knew that this was not good. 
(Presley's looking through the binoculars).
We believe the flames to the right is the first house on fire. 

We were watching TV and an emergency alert system came over letting Wenatchee residents know that their evacuation location would be Eastmont High School. 
I texted Amy, Samee, Dad, and Mom this picture and told them I'd let them know if this escalated more into our area. 

On Monday morning I woke up to get Presley ready for the second week of her acting camp and I had two voicemails from Mom and Papa Berries and a text from Tona making sure we were okay. 
At this point I didn't know what had happened closer into town, but from our front window, things looked clear...  the hills were black as far to the left as I could tell where it burned but there were no visible flames. 

I opened up the computer and saw we had made the front news story on google. 
I read the story and realized that 28 houses were confirmed burned down. 
And saw this picture attached to the article. ..

I quickly realized that the flames we had witnessed the night before turned into something major. 
So I decided to go for a drive to see if I could tell how far the fire spread.
The development (Broadview) behind Wal-Mart was unaccessible.  There was a police officer checking licenses and you could only go through if you lived in that neighborhood. 

I saw camera news crews on streets. 

About noon I got a call saying that downtown was shutting down and to come pick up Presley and I guess at that point I started to actually get a little scared. 
We do subscribe to the local Wenatchee World paper but they never publish on Mondays so I felt like I was way out of the loop about what had happened the last 12-15 hours. 

(Embers had started a packaging shed on fire and that shed housed a tank of ammonia that was now  leaking which is why she had to be picked up).

Blue Bird Packing Shed on fire 
Photo credit:  Wenatchee World

I made a quick stop by Old Navy to get 4th of July shirts but that area had been evacuated too. 

Tuesday's newspaper had this picture on the front page. 
I knew that houses in Broadview had burned, but I didn't realize it was the exact street where we trick or treat each year. 
Logan knows of at least one of his classmates who lived in one of these burnt homes. 

On Wednesday, all fireworks were banned for both counties. It's been odd to drive around town and see their little white tents sealed off and not busy. 

There's been some really great stories in the newspaper about our valley coming together but the destruction (even seen only in pictures) is unimaginable. 

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 26 (2015)

Day 176, Thursday, June 25th
We had remembered to pack the scooters for the kids while Logan had soccer practice. 

Day 177, Friday, June 26th
The day of Harper's Stage Kids performance and the coaches asked the kids to wear a little make up. 
Harper is looking into a mirror to admire herself (and her long eyelashes).
Harper was Wonka in their production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. 

Day 178, Saturday, June 27th
Ry and Logan teaching Harper two square. 

Day 179, Sunday, June 28th
Presley checking out the wildfire blaze about 9 at night. 
This would eventually burn down 28 homes as it moved to the center of town. 

Day 180, Monday, June 29th
A wild and crazy night of doing vision checks. 
All the kids have 20/20 vision, per our very accurate (yeah, right) test.

Day 181, Tuesday, June 30th
 Logan was swinging the hose around to get the jumpers wet. 
I just loved Harper's face as she realized that Presley "stole" her jump. 

Day 182, Wednesday, July 1st
Dave didn't have anything today so he was getting morning snuggles from Ry and Harper. 

Great-Great Grandma Marge Legard #105

Saturday, June 27th was my Great Grandma Margaret Legard's 

The last time we stopped and visited her was in February for Rylan's birthday. 
I just realized that Rylan and Harper both share birthday numbers with their great-great grandmas.
Rylan 2/27, Grandma Marge 6/27
Harper and Pom Pom share the exact same birthdate, 8/23

February 2015

Cristy, Lanae, Joe and Papa went to visit her on Friday as they were making their way onto Kellogg to deliver a bench my Papa bought for Grandma's cemetery. 
A day before turning 105...look at that sweet smile. 
Papa, Joe
Cristy, Great Grandma Marge

Lanae said she really liked the lookout replica my Papa built. 

Then on Saturday, my mom and Papa drove up again to Coeur d'Alene to be with her on her actual birthday. 

She told Tricia on her 100th birthday that the key to a long life was love, pepsi, and chocolate. 

Meeting Presley for the first time Fall 2003. 
Debi, mom (holding Presley), Grandma 
Great Grandpa Alan Legard, Great Grandma Marge Legard, Papa 

The kids with her on her 100th birthday in 2010. 
All of us with her in June 2010 at her 100th birthday celebration. 

What an amazing life and legacy she has created!!