Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 25

Day 169, Wednesday, June 18th
Logan and Rylan were each in a summer basketball camp for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.  Ry won two awards for his age group:  Freethrow Champ and Coaches Award.  Logan won the Hustle Award.  Pretty cool boys!!

Day 170, Thursday, June 19th
It's hard getting used to being around your siblings ALL DAY LONG in the summer. 
But games of Go Fish and Sonic milkshakes do help. 

Day 171, Friday, June 20th
Out for dinner at Red Robin.  Dave has this amazing ability of winning a stuffed animal from the "claw" machine every time.  He won one for Presley tonight.  

Day 172, Saturday, June 21st
Just a lazy Saturday morning. 

Day 173, Sunday, June 22nd
The boys practicing soccer.  I was sitting in a lawn chair watching and Ry moved the rebounder in front of me so I wouldn't get hit by the ball...such a tender gesture to be thinking of his mom. 

Day 174, Monday, June 23rd
Presley and Ry were at science camp this week.  Presley had received a reading list in her report card and wanted some of the books for over the summer.  She asked Logan and I to go to the library and check a couple out for her.  

Day 175, Tuesday, June 24th
Presley had her June Jubilee for gymnastics today. She did a performance for each event and then they all were called up individually to receive their participation awards. 

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 24

Day 162, Wednesday, June 11th
We had one last PTSA luncheon this afternoon and Wendy Hambleton (President) gave us thank you cards.  

Day 163, Thursday, June 12th
Presley's Yearbook Autograph Page.   
I love that she asked Mrs. Noble to sign it for her. 

Day 164, Friday, June 13th
Last Day of School

Day 165, Saturday, June 14th
Samee and Nate's Wedding Day

Day 166, Sunday, June 15th
Happy Father's Day
So thankful Dave is our kids' Daddy. 

Day 167, Monday, June 16th
We've got World Cup Fever. 
USA gets the win today over Ghana 2-1.

Day 168, Tuesday, June 17th
Summer Break Sleepover in Presley's Room
That's Harper, Ry's leg under the blue blanket, and Presley's legs on the bed about 10:00.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Father's Day, June 15th, 2014

My parents hosted a breakfast for Samee and Nate at the Marriott on Sunday, Father's Day.  We ate breakfast and watched them open their wedding gifts.  Then we drove back home to Wenatchee in the afternoon.

My whole life on one chair!!

I just think my Papa is the coolest..
I thought this was a nice picture of Papa with his kiddos...
The seven Kreider cousins with their Papa Berries...
Thomas with a sleeping Rylan at breakfast. 

I wish I would have gotten a picture of Nate on his first Father's Day.

I also didn't get a picture today with my dad.  He was floating around the breakfast room with the energy he always seems to have, schmoozing with all the guests that showed up for breakfast.

Last Day of School: June 13, 2014

Friday the 13th was Wenatchee School District's last day of school. 

I am one happy mama to be done with this 6th grade year.
So is Logan. 

Sunnyslope had a long awards assembly. Presley got ribbons for doing track, Math is Cool, Girls on the Run, K-Kids, and getting 100 % in the Passport Club. 

Rylan's report card was so, so good.  Presley's was very good too.  I loved his teacher's comments. 
Rylan got Mrs. Howard for 2nd grade. 
Presley had her for first grade so I was happy that he got her. 

And it was an extra special day because it was also Samee's wedding week-end so we drove to the Tri-Cities for the rehearsal tonight.  It's always special to see our cousins. 

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 23

Day 155, Wednesday, June 4th
It was my 40th birthday!!
And our first night in Aulani on the island of Oaha.

Day 156, Thursday, June 5th
Our breakfast with Goofy this morning.
I loved that Ry had already learned the hang loose sign. 

Day 157, Friday, June 6th
We took a walk this morning to the Marriot down the street.  
This is their property and view. 

Day 158, Saturday, June 7th
We visited Pearl Harbor
And climbed Diamond Head.
(This was not the very highest we climbed)

Day 159, Sunday, June 8th
Our last day at Aulani. 
Each day we had to go get a swimming bracelet as a guest of the resort. 
At the end of our stay we had a rainbow of bracelets. 

Day 160, Monday, June 9th
We were on the phone quite a bit in Hawaii trying to finally officially buy this property. 
And today we signed the papers and dropped off the check. 
Official land owners today.

Day 161, Tuesday, June 10th
Ry brought home a little something icky from Hawaii.
He was feeling better by about 7:00 this night. 

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 22

Day 148, Wednesday, May 28th

After school and I was showing Logan my new sunglasses.  He did not like them. 

Day 149, Thursday, May 29th
I had approximately 482 things to do today, but Harper got invited to a play date at the sprinkler park. 
When we pulled up Harper held my hand and said, "you are the most best mom in the world".
I think we'll survive if I forget to buy travel size toothpaste. 

Day 150, Friday, May 30th
Ready to roll.

Day 151, Saturday, May 31
My sweet family at Sea-Tac airport. 

Day 152, Sunday, June 1st
Our first morning in Maui (Honua Kai).
The view from our 6th floor deck.

Day 153, Monday, June 2nd
Dave got us a cabana for the day. 
It's been a long time since I looked over and saw him this relaxed. 

Day 154, Tuesday, June 3rd
We had our luau tonight but first, more ocean swimming.