Saturday, August 31, 2024

First Day of School: August 28th, 2024


Rylan was up bright and early to get to his senior parade. 
Cashmere closes down their Main Street and parents, students, and teachers line the sidewalks as the seniors make their way to the high school in funny forms of transportation. 
Ry and his group of friends arrived being towed in a boat. 

6:00 AM was way too early of a wake up for our love to sleep-in late boy. 

We drove to Riverside Park where they were all lined up. 

As he was passing us, he threw out some candy. 

Many of his graduating class. 
(Ry is on the right side, kneeling down)

Because Ry had to be at the parade early for the line up, Harper drove to school with us this morning. 

She was nervous but excited. 
Her schedule is hanging out of her pocket.

Our two Cashmere Bulldogs!

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