Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 12

 Day 78, Monday, March 18th

Petting the neighborhood cat while getting the mail today. 

Day 79, Tuesday, March 19th

She put together this flower Lego set. 

Day 80, Wednesday, March 20th

Filling out her March Madness bracket

Day 81, Thursday, March 21st

A note I found from Presley on my notepad

Day 82, Friday, March 22nd

Dave and Ry got the motorcycle running and he rode it up from the shed by the pool to the garage. 

Day 83, Saturday, March 23rd

A fun one day local tournament against all the NCW teams. 

Day 84, Sunday, March 24th

Dave took Ry to a scrimmage today in Issaquah.
They lost but he felt like he played okay. 

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