Saturday, December 30, 2023

Lea's Day-Leas, Week 48 (2023)

 Day 330, Sunday, November 26th

Presley left today but then quickly called us because she forgot something and she'd circle back to grab it.  Dave ran it up to her. 

Day 331, Monday, November 27th

A sweet friend shout out for Harper

Day 332, Tuesday, November 28th

Ry with a few fans at his first high school game of the season. 
They won Warden 60-52.

Day 333, Wednesday, November 29th

Ry got the Bulldog Bling (kind of like a player of the game) and he gets to wear this necklace/medallion to school. 
He wore it quite proudly!

Day 334, Thursday, November 30th

We hosted the team dinner tonight. 

Day 335, Friday, December 1st

Game #2 tonight, a 2 point loss to Tonasket!
Ry was one of the captains tonight. 

Day 336, Saturday, December 2nd 

We got a little snow last night so Dave had to shovel out Chewy's potty spot in the backyard. 

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