Saturday, December 30, 2023

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 52 (2023)

 Day 358, Sunday, December 24th

Christmas Eve dinner with Grandma and Papa Nelson

Day 359, Monday, December 25th

Christmas Morning with Grandma and Papa Nelson.
They were at our house at 7:45, kids were up at 8 AM, we were done with presents and breakfast by 10, and I was in my room napping about 10:30. 
It was a quiet Christmas. 

Day 360, Tuesday, December 26th

Christmas with the Kreider clan today. 

Day 361, Wednesday, December 27th

We bought Papa Nelson a charcuterie board workshop at a new woodshop that opened in Cashmere. 
We bought a ticket for Logan too but he ended up having to work so Dave, Papa Nelson, and Presley joined in. 
They did a great job!

Day 362, Thursday,  December 28th

The Granger Christmas Tournament. 
They played Naches Valley tonight and lost by 6.

Day 363, Friday, December 29th

Presley and I drove to the Tri-Cities to join Alyson. Amy, Mylee, and Grandma at a bridal boutique for her to try on dresses. 
It was so much fun! 

Cashmere played Granger the next night and Ry put on a show for his crowd!
22 points and a dunk!  
Loved having family there to watch!

Day 364, Saturday, December 30th

We are STILL putting away gifts and getting rid of boxes and garbage.  
We did get the ornaments off the tree today. 

Day 365, Sunday, December 31st

Logan left this morning to go to Spokane for the night so I insisted on a morning picture before he left.

We went to see Boys in the Boat this afternoon too. 


Christmas with the Kreider's

Christmas Day

Christmas Eve

Memories while we wait for Christmas 2023

I sent a little goodie box to Presley and her roommate and they sent me a picture of them wearing their new "bow rings" for fun!  We are so thankful for their sweet friendship. 

Cashmere had their alumni game and Hailey van Lith gifted the boys and girls basketball teams with new Adidas shoes. 

Harper went with Mason and his family to Leavenworth to feed the reindeer and see the lighted trees. 

Ry and Emory went to a family Christmas party in matching jammies. 

We decorated the tree and Dave needed a little assistance to help Harper put the angel on top. 

Logan made us a couple of cocktails one night in Leavenworth. 

We watched lots of Hallmark Christmas movies, as well as Christmas Vacation and White Christmas. 

We were all able to spend a couple of hours together in Leavenworth. 

We used the hot tub, all of us ended up in there together on evening. 


Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 51 (2023)

 Day 351, Sunday, December 17th

Harper had a jamboree in Yakima today.  They went 3-1 and it was so fun to get to watch her again!

Day 352, Monday, December 18th

I heard Logan talking to Chewy today about how he's not supposed to be on the couch and then I went around the corner and he had left Chewy up there and wrapped him up in this blanket. 

Day 353, Tuesday, December 19th

Playing Brawl Stars tonight

Day 354, Wednesday, December 20th

Presley and her bestie

Day 355, Thursday, December 21st

A big win against Cascade tonight. 
He got the Bulldog Bling again for a 24 point performance. 

Day 356, Friday, December 22nd

Logan is working at Blue Spirits Distillery while he's on break so we went out for a drink tonight. 
He made us a Mango Tango and an Old Fashioned and hand delivered them to our table. 

Day 357, Saturday, December 23rd

Christmas Vacation tonight

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 50 (2023)

 Day 344, Sunday, December 10th

Rylan was selected as athlete of the week. 

Day 345, Monday, December 11th

Ugly Christmas Sweater Day

Day 346, Tuesday, December 12th

Grandma and Papa drove to Quincy to watch Ry play tonight. 
They lost to Quincy, but Ry had a great game. 

Day 347, Wednesday, December 13th

Twin Day at school today

Day 348, Thursday, December 14th

Lots of years of practicing writing thank you notes!

Day 349, Friday, December 15th

Mom sent cookies home with us from the Quincy game and they won't last long around here.

Day 350, Saturday, December 16th

Logan's Home, Hugs from Harper

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 49 (2023)

 Day 337, Sunday, December 3rd

Shoveling more snow this evening.

Day 338, Monday, December 4th

One of Harper's teachers puts up a quote of the day and she remembered my Confucius funny I told her a while ago. 

Day 339, Tuesday, December 5th


Day 340, Wednesday, December 6th

This probably didn't end well

Day 341, Thursday, December 7th

Dave ordered frozen Christmas cookie dough off of QVC.  
We've got plenty of dough--161 cookies worth!

Day 342, Friday, December 8th

Ry got a dunk in his game tonight vs. La Salle.

Day 343, Saturday, December 9th

A nice write up about Ry's game 

Lea's Day-Leas, Week 48 (2023)

 Day 330, Sunday, November 26th

Presley left today but then quickly called us because she forgot something and she'd circle back to grab it.  Dave ran it up to her. 

Day 331, Monday, November 27th

A sweet friend shout out for Harper

Day 332, Tuesday, November 28th

Ry with a few fans at his first high school game of the season. 
They won Warden 60-52.

Day 333, Wednesday, November 29th

Ry got the Bulldog Bling (kind of like a player of the game) and he gets to wear this necklace/medallion to school. 
He wore it quite proudly!

Day 334, Thursday, November 30th

We hosted the team dinner tonight. 

Day 335, Friday, December 1st

Game #2 tonight, a 2 point loss to Tonasket!
Ry was one of the captains tonight. 

Day 336, Saturday, December 2nd 

We got a little snow last night so Dave had to shovel out Chewy's potty spot in the backyard.