Sunday, September 25, 2022

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 36 (2022)

 Day 246,  Saturday, September 3rd

I met Amy in Ritzville and we drove to Spokane, picked up Presley, and drove on to Kellogg for Lois' memorial.  Her remains are in the Kellogg cemetery in her husband Harley's niche.  Grandma Pat is there too and so is Great Grandma Pauline's bench. 

Day 247, Sunday, September 4th

I was sitting outside with Chewy and Ry was talking to me through the window. 
Chewy went to investigate. 

Day 248, Monday, September 5th

Grocery shopping with Harper today. 

Day 249, Tuesday, September 6th

Harper left her iPad in the car and Ry locked the door and took a zillion selfies while Harper looked in. 

Day 250, Wednesday, September 7th

An East Coast planning meeting with mom, Amy, and Samee
(you never quite see mom's whole face on the screen)

Day 251, Thursday, September 8th

You know you trust your kid when you've received no email or notice but you allow her to dress in a cow costume because its "outrageous day" at school. 

Day 252, Friday, September 9th

Dave and Ry watched "Over the Top" so there's been lots of arm wrestling going on over here. 


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