Thursday, March 31, 2022

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 9 (2022)

 Day 57, Saturday, February 26th

Logan had a friendly game for the spring league in West Virginia. 
They dedicated this win to their head coach, who is fighting brain cancer. 

Day 58, Sunday, February 27th

Rylan is 15 today!

Day 59, Monday, February 28th

Harper has been making friendship bracelets. 

Day 60, Tuesday, March 1st

We had a parent meeting tonight and the Apple Blossom royalty was gifted these boxes to place their crowns in.  Her name is engraved on the top. 

Day 61, Wednesday, March 2nd

Presley went on her first elementary school visit as Apple Blossom royalty, and she had her trading cards to hand out. 
A nurse Dave works with texted this to him. :)

Day 62, Thursday, March 3rd

All 3 of these girls participated in Stage Kids. 
They went to a show tonight.

Presley with both of the producers in May 2018 (Aladdin)

Day 63, Friday, March 4th
Chewy got a haircut today. 

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