Thursday, October 28, 2021

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 42 (2021)

 Day 288, Friday, October 15th

Dave, Rylan, and Harper made it to Coeur d'Alene in time to have tacos and have cake and ice cream for Alyson's 23rd birthday. 

Day 289, Saturday, October 16th

Harper, Ry and Miryn on their Tubbs Hill hike.
They spotted a deer!

Presley's senior homecoming group!

Day 290, Sunday, October 17th

Everyone stopped at Green Bluff Farms in Spokane for some harvest festival fun before heading home. 

Day 291, Monday, October 18th

Ry's football team won 68-0 tonight so we got to see lots of his awesome kicks!  
Lots of fun to get to see some action!

Day 292, Tuesday, October 19th

Breakfast before school with a begging Chewy.
Harper's handing him a piece of bacon. 

Day 293, Wednesday, October 20th

Harper's final volleyball jamboree tonight. 
She served 5 straight overhand serves. 
Its been a great sport for her.  She's really enjoyed it!

Day 294, Thursday, October 21st

Ry and driving in and Harper playing volleyball against the garage doors. 

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