Friday, October 30, 2020

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 42 (2020)

 Day 288, Wednesday, October 14th

Outside time at the Eastmont park.
(That's Logan pushing Presley)

Day 289, Thursday, October 15th

We spent a day together in Coeur d'Alene on a walking tour downtown and a boat tour around the bays in Lake Coeur d'Alene. 

Day 290, Friday, October 16th

Presley and her "baby" Chewy. 

Day 291, Saturday, October 17th

Harper started a YMCA basketball camp on Saturday mornings .
She's in a group of 5 kids, and they're not allowed to share basketballs, but its a little activity. 

Day 292, Sunday, October 18th

Dave's taught Logan  how to make his own black coffee in the morning. 
Which has been totally fine except the one morning he had to grind his beans at 5:30 AM....that work us both up in a hurry. 

Day 293, Monday, October 19th

Ry playing basketball down at The Kennel in Cashmere tonight. 
We probably can't do this too many more evenings...its getting dark and cold!

Day 294, Tuesday, October 20th

Ry, Harper, and the neighborhood kids playing together in the dirt. 

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