Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 35 (2019)

Day 239, Tuesday, August 27th
First Day of School
4th, 7th, 10th, and 12th graders

Day 240, Wednesday, August 28th
An evening swim before bedtime. 

Day 241, Thursday, August 29th
Reading while on our way to pick up Rylan. 

Day 242, Friday, August 30th
Senior pictures for Logan tonight. 

Day 243, Saturday, August 31st
It was just Ry and I for dinner tonight. 

Day 244, Sunday, September 1st
A visit to the Tri-Cities.  
Fun times with Archie.
We celebrated Thomas and Amy's 25th wedding anniversary. 

Logan's team in Seattle this weekend. 

Day 245, Monday, September 2nd
Samee had a small birthday breakfast for Miryn this morning. 
And Logan's team won the U19 Labor Day Cup tournament. 

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