Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Halloween 2018

There was no school today. 
The kids woke up to a few little Halloween goodies. 
Harper and Ry played some chess and she painted a light up jack o lantern box. 
They saved a few of their pumpkin seeds and we tried to bake them. 
They were okay. 

We left for a good chunk of the afternoon to do Ry, Logan, and Presley's conferences. 
On my way home from the high school I stopped for pumpkin pizza. 

Presley did her and Harper's deer makeup. 
Presley had a Halloween get together with her friends. 

The hunter and his deer. 

Presley was giving me her "deer caught in headlights" look. 

We saw Presley and a couple of her friends out too. 

We got home with time to organize our candy

I got a few picture texts through the day too. 
I laughed at Tricia's text to me. 
The Sorensen boys were pirates. 
Finn had a broken leg so he was Peg Leg Pirate. 

Witch Miryn

Nerd Alyson. 
She dressed up for her work. 
Mylee had a friend bonfire to go to. 

We think Miryn had a few pieces of sugary candy to end the night with Amy as Elmo!

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