Friday, July 27, 2018

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 26 (2018)

Day 176, Monday, June 25th
Logan and Dave arrived at UCSD for a college soccer camp in the days leading up to his National Tournament. 

Day 177, Tuesday, June 26th
Breakfast at Wild Huckleberry this morning. 

Day 178, Wednesday, June 27th
Harper's gymnastics tonight

Day 179, Thursday, June 28th
Our first stop for our Canada getaway. 
We walked the boardwalk and stopped to find Pom Pom's name on the rock near Tubbs Hill.

Day 180, Friday,  June 29th
Beautiful Banff, Canada

Day 181, Saturday, June 30th
Moraine Lake

And the game winning block in PK's to move onto the semi-finals. 
Picture credit:  K. Gillin

Day 182, Sunday, July 1
Picture by Presley...a worn out Harper on our way home. 

And no game for Logan meant a day of fun playing in the ocean in San Diego.

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