Thursday, April 18, 2013

Patricia Jean (Knowles) Legard

I got "the call" from my mom this afternoon at 4:15 that my Grandma had passed away.  There were no tears on the phone from either of us...we have shed so, so many over the last 2 weeks.  It was a quick phone call...I'm sure she needed to get back to my Grandpa and maybe make phone calls to others.

We always take our phone calls near the windows because that's where we get the best reception on our cell phones.  When I said good-bye to my mom I looked out the window and I saw these three children playing, running, chasing, laughing, being silly, and creating a memory (for me, not them).  So I quickly snapped a picture with my phone...

And then it hit me...My Grandma is gone from this Earth.  But I also realized the best part is that she lives on!!!  She's still such a big part of all of us--her children, her grandkids, and her great grandkids.  There's little glimpses of our Grandma Patsy Jean that will continue to live on, and this gives me peace tonight.  I see it in my kids' determination and strength to see a task to the end, I see it when they sing and dance throughout the house, I see it in the sparkle in their eyes, I see it when they're being stubborn and defiant and mischevious, I see it when they help one another, stick up for one another, teach each other, I hear it when they say I Love You and they find little ways to show it, and I see it when they're involved and caring toward others and giving of their time.  And in these ways and so many other ways, we'll continue to celebrate her life because after all, without her, there wouldn't be us.

We all had lots of time with her in her final days, holding her hands, listening to music, reading her our memory letters and books, and talking with her.  I had made the trip to the Tri-Cities four times in the last weeks--3 on my own and 1 with Dave and the kids.  I felt good about my good-bye, knowing I said the things that I needed for her to hear.  The kids were not afraid to see her in that state and held her hand and talked with her.  She knows she was loved by all of us--no doubt in my mind about that.  Tonight when I told the kids that Grandma had called to tell me that Grandma Berries had passed,  Logan was very quick to give me a hug and to remind me that now she gets to be with Pom Pom and that in heaven she remembers all of us and all of the good memories...such a wonderful thing to hear from my son.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

My Grandma

My intention today was to write about the grand time we had at Easter and our mini-vacation to the Great Wolf Lodge in Grand Mound, Washington.  Those will need to wait for another time because today my heart is heavy thinking of another Grand--my special Grandma.

My Grandma does not have very long to live.  Death is so final, and yet the days leading up to death, knowing its coming, knowing its only a matter of time, knowing there is nothing to do (or that she would want you to do) to stop it, is agonizing.  My heart hurts most for my Grandpa, who has made one tough decision and is abiding by my Grandma's Living Will, and for my mom, who is losing her own mom, and quite likely, best friend.  My heart hurts for all of us who will miss her immensely, and yet I sit trying to balance those selfish thoughts of wanting her with us with the thoughts of her being in a much better place.  The dreadful disease Alzheimer's has already taken her from us in so many ways already.

I really do have wonderful memories of her...a lifetime of memories that I'm sure will be a comforting blanket to me as I begin to grieve her passing. I quickly jotted down things off the top of my head that I love about her.  Her favorite color is green, she never had her ears pierced but wore clip on earrings every day, she bowled with my mom on a league for years,  she traveled with us on family vacations, she didn't like to drive, she came to the hospital to see all 4 of my kids on their birthday, she sang them songs like "Jesus Loves the Little Children", she made angel food cake for birthday parties, she would pack KFC and donuts and lots more when we went out boating,  she volunteered at the voting booths on Election Day, she always had a full candy dish at her house, you could always tell what presents she bought you because they were wrapped so impeccably,  she had opinions and wasn't afraid to voice them, she followed professional sports and watched a lot of tennis, she had her favorite teams and was a Mariner's fan, she was a very good sofa referee, she visited her own mom frequently, she liked to shop but was very indecisive, and she could cook very well.  My grandpa told us when we were young that he wished he was one of her grandkids--she is really that good of a grandma.  My grandpa provided her with a good life and she lived most of adult life as a wife and stay at home mom.  She was the gorilla strength glue that held our family together.  I love her and I will miss her tremendously.

This is the oldest picture I have of my's a four generation picture.  Grandma is on the left,  with her mom Pauline (in orange), her grandma Olive (in front), and my mom Debi (in plaid).

Holding Logan:  August 2001

My mom Debi, me holding Presley, my Great grandma Margaret Legard, and my Grandma Pat (2003)
Mother's Day 2004:  Bobby, Amy, Grandma, mom, Presley, me
Trip to Disneyland (I think this was her last trip to Disneyland):  November 2005
Same trip to Disneyland
Christmas 2005

Mariner's Game:  September 2006
Mother's Day Bowling:  May 2007
Grandma's Tea Party 75th Birthday Celebration:  September 2007
Making Christmas goodies:  December 2007

Cabin Trip:  January 2008
August 2009:  at Presley's kindergarten fashion show

Thanksgiving:  November 2009
In Wenatchee at the kids' ice skating performance: December 2009
Father/Daughter Dance:  February 2010
September 2010:  This was taken just a few days before she was moved to her nursing home, Avalon. 

October 2010
Christmas 2010 holding Harper Jean Pauline, who was named after my Grandma (Patricia Jean) and my great Grandma (Pauline). 

October 2011
Easter 2012
Mother's Day 2012
Christmas 2012
Christmas 2012:  Her family

I am so thankful to love my grandma and even more thankful to have been loved by her.