Saturday, March 2, 2013

Ry is SIX: 2-27-13

Happy Sixth Birthday little man!!  We had a great day celebrating YOU!! You have grown up so much this year.  Mom and Dad are so impressed with all that you've learned in school.  You are very academic, but still love recess the best.  You have good friends, and friends of all ages--you often tell us you play soccer and football with first graders all the way through to Logan's fifth grade friends.  You have become so much more patient this year, you're a better sharer, you're becoming more and more responsible, and so much less impulsive.  You love to snuggle (and you've never been much of a snuggler before) and freely give hugs and kisses.  You have become more in tune with how your actions make others feel, and you remember to apologize on your own.  You usually have good manners.  You like when Harper and I walk you into school on late start Mondays.  You like when Presley and Logan check in with you at recess.  You're becoming a reader and recognize "popcorn words" more frequently and you're attempting to tie your shoes.  You love to play with electronics:  IPad, IPod, or DS are your favorites.  You still love your blanket, Puppy. You are so smiley when you're praised!! We love you Rylan!!

Coming down the stairs in the morning (with Puppy):
Harper and I came to your school to deliver birthday cupcakes.  You are the only child who will get to bring in a treat on your actual birthday.  You told me your classmates had sung to you and you were proudly wearing a birthday crown.  All the girls were sitting near you and you passed out all the cupcakes.     When I picked you up from school you told me all about your day and was excited to see your little cake and all the cards and presents out on the dining table.  It was a nice day so you and the kids went outside to play.  Daddy came home and Grandma and Grandpa Nelson came over for dinner--your choice was spaghetti pie.  We ate dinner, cleaned up, and opened presents. 

Presley read you your birthday cards and messages and Harper waited patiently to hand the presents to you.

Many people called to tell you happy birthday tonight. 

Then we sang you happy birthday and it took you several tries to blow out your candles.  We had cake and ice cream.
Love you our sweet six year old.

The next morning I was putting the list of what people gave you higher up so I wouldn't misplace it and I quickly glanced at it...It appears Presley "gave" you a present, but not one you would open and she wanted a thank you for it.  Ha ha!!  You did finish your thank you's in two days with very little complaining.  So proud of my growing boy.  You are loved more than you know!!

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