Monday, October 31, 2016

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 43 (2016)

Day 295, Friday, October 21st
We had an end of the year soccer party at a Wenatchee Wild game. 

Day 296, Saturday, October 22nd
A win today for Logan, 3-0. 

Day 297, Sunday, October 23rd
Logan got to play on the high school field for his game today. 
It was nice for us because it was raining, but we were able to sit under the covered bleachers. 
They did lose today 1-2, they're first loss of the season. 

Day 298, Monday, October 24th
Harper reading a story she wrote to me. 

Day 299, Tuesday, October 25th
The fence around the pool was finished today. 

Day 300, Wednesday, October 26th
It is hard to wake up in the morning when its still so dark outside, but sometimes a pretty sunrise makes it okay. 
This was taken at 7:25, right before we left for school drop off. 

Day 301, Thursday, October 27th
Ry and I have a 30 minute window between his practice ending and Logan's practice ending. 
He took off his shin guards and said he had "lizard legs" because of the imprint. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

101 Dalmatians Professional Pictures

101 Dalmations was a summer Stage Kids performance. 
She played "Nanny". 

Seussical Professional Pics

We finally received the professional pictures back for the last two Stage Kids performances.  
These were from "Seussical the Musical". 
Presley was Thing 1 for half of the shows, and the Marshall for the other half. 

Thing 1

During dress rehearsal

Presley holding the "camera" just like her Papa. 

Pictures as Marshall...

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 42 (2016)

Day 288, Friday, October 14th
So, we got Logan registered in a drivers training class, and he was able to get his permit. 

Day 289, Saturday, October 15th
A rainy last game of soccer for Harper. 
She played goalie for a little bit today. 

Day 290, Sunday, October 16th
Logan drove with me to pick up Presley from a sleep over. 
We are parked here, he is not driving yet. 

Our beautiful niece Alyson turned 18 today (this was the last picture of her as a "child", taking on 10/15 by Amy).   I can think of many times that we have wondered how many years we've been married, and we've said, "well, how old is Alyson?"since she was in Amy's tummy at our wedding.  

Day 291, Monday, October 17th
Logan didn't have a phone today so I couldn't text him I was there to pick him up. 
Harper and Ry ran into the training room to pick him up. 

Day 292, Tuesday, October 18th
Logan went with Dave to the hospital this morning so he could be at school early and they ate breakfast together. Afterwards, Dave went to work, and Logan walked across the street to the high school. 

Day 293, Wednesday, October 19th
It was conference week this week and this was Harper's self-check form. 
I'm glad she feels so good about school. 

Day 294, Thursday, October 20th
Presley's texts at bedtime to me when Dave went in to tuck her in. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 41 (2016)

 Day 281, Friday, October 7th
Logan had an unexpected day off of school so he did some chores, including washing his car. 

Day 282, Saturday, October 8th
It was Apple Cup weekend and our volunteer hours were spent overseeing the Bubble Wars. 
Logan actually got stuck for a few seconds, which felt like an eternity to him. 

Day 283, Sunday, October 9th
The boys took the Go-Pro underwater while swimming and uploaded their video to watch. 
That's Ry on the screen. 

Day 284, Monday, October 10th
Presley had an orthodontic appointment during her lunch period so we had McD's before heading back to school. 

Day 285, Tuesday, October 11th
It was Presley's last week of tennis and she played in the doubles tournament. 
Her and her teammate placed 4th out of 6 teams. 
She had a good serve, but there wasn't a lot of volley-ing going on. 
Presley's partner broke his wrist over the weekend so she was working hard. 

Day 286, Wednesday, October 12th
My mom sent an e-mail that they discovered another secret room at the Winchester Mansion. 
Dave read the article over dinner tonight and they were all enthralled with this information. 

Day 287, Thursday, October 13th
Rylan has Math is Cool after school on Thursdays and they also have a tumbling class during the same time so I signed up Harper for the first session. 
That's her in the back doing a cartwheel. 
She's loves it!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 40 (2016)

Day 274, Friday, September 30th
Rylan participating in Sunnyslope's Wolf-A-Thon
(I missed Harper's class)

Day 275, Saturday, October 1
Halloween-y doughnuts for the 1st of October

Day 276, Sunday, October 2nd
We had visitors for family pictures today and Amy and Ry raced.
Kelly did them for us. 

Day 277, Monday, October 3rd
Presley shared (after her shower) that she was a writing finalist in her Core class. 

Day 278, Tuesday, October 4th
Harper practicing her handstand.

Day 279, Wednesday, October 5th
Wenatchee High School closed school for this coming Friday. 

Day 280, Thursday, October 6th
Not too many more evenings left for swimming.